Friday, December 21, 2007



Hawaii libraries face challenges ahead

By Loren Moreno
Advertiser Staff Writer

Nearly four years ago, current State Librarian Jo Ann Schindler was charged with rescuing the system of 51 libraries from budget cuts, fewer employees, reduced hours and antiquated computer systems.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Movin On Up

Your Theory
Powered By Ringsurf

State Librarian
Jo Ann Schindler was
selected as the
2007 Librarian of the Year
by the Hawaii Library
Association. The award
was presented at the
organization's annual
conference on Nov. 11th.

From: "Jo Ann Schindler"
To: "Vernon Balmer"
Subject: Re: Library Accounts
Date: Mon, 9 Oct 2006 12:35:25 -1000
HTML Attachment [ Scan and Save to Computer | Save to Yahoo! Briefcase ]
Mr. Balmer,

I was referring to the staff module which allows our staff to circulate library materials, check them back in, process payments, and place a reserve at a customer's request. Some customers prefer to rely on staff to place reserves for them rather than to do it themselves in PAC. Also, there are some types of reserves, e.g., when a customer wants a particular volume of a set, which can only be done by staff. As stated, the customer's PIN in not needed to place the reserve for the customer.

-Jo Ann Schindler
----- Original Message -----
From: Vernon Balmer
To: Jo Ann Schindler
Sent: Monday, October 09, 2006 10:49 AM
Subject: Re: Library Accounts

Could you please explain furthrer, "a staff account"? Is this an account for a library staff person, or a way the staff can access a patrons account? Since the request ended up on my account, which I did not leave open, or use on the 25th of September, I would like to know if it is possible for this request to have ended up on my account through a librarian placing the request there without needing a pin. Seems to me librarians should not be able to place data on patrons accounts, as I stated in my first response.
Jo Ann Schindler wrote: Dear Mr. Balmer:

As stated, a staff member could place a request for a customer using only the library card number -- without the PIN. Although our staff try to be careful, it is possible that numbers could be transposed once in a great while. It seems that this is the more likely possibility than someone having information to both your library card number and PIN since you have not shared this information with anyone.

I would like to apologize for any error caused by our staff. We will emphasize in training the need to check to make sure the right account is being accessed when placing a request for a customer. Again, please advise us if this situation reoccurs. Thank you very much for your understanding.


Jo Ann Schindler
State Librarian

----- Original Message -----
From: Vernon Balmer
To: Jo Ann Schindler
Sent: Sunday, October 08, 2006 11:32 AM
Subject: Re: Library Accounts

I shared my information with no one, absolutely no one. I know how to sign out of an account, as I have many online accounts which require this same action. I know how to change my pin and will do this. I just thought there was a more secure system in place. It was suggested to me that a possible trasnposing of digits could have taken place, and I find it hard to believe that a librarian could transposed my library card number and my pin number that I think they should require to place a request or any data on a patrons account. Thank you.

Jo Ann Schindler wrote:
Dear Mr. Balmer:

The Hawaii State Public Library System does not have the technical ability to track which requests are placed on our library PAC terminals nor is there a way to determine who placed the requests. The assumption is that the card holder placed the request using his or her library card number and PIN. It would be extremely difficult to arrive at the exact combination of library card number and PIN by accident. Do you recall sharing this information with anyone?

Depending on how you normally place reserves, there are a couple of ways that a request may have been erroneously placed on your account:

If you normally place requests using a Public Access Catalog (PAC) computer in a library, you may not have logged out completely, and another customer may have used the computer after you and inadvertently placed a request while still logged into your account. Library staff can show you how to completely exit your account by pressing the Logout button.

Some customers ask for staff assistance in placing reserves. A PIN is not required to do this in the staff account. Staff may have transposed digits and the request may have ended up on the wrong person’ s account.
Rather than getting a new library card, I recommend that you change your PIN. You can do this in PAC in the following way:

1. Access “My Account”
2. Select “Profile”
3. Change your PIN

Staff can help you with this process if these instructions are not clear.

Hopefully what you experienced is a one time only error caused by either situation #1 or #2 above. Please let us know if you continue to experience erroneous requests on your account.

Thank you very much for using our public libraries and for bringing this concern to our attention.

-Jo Ann Schindler
State Librarian
----- Original Message -----
From: Vernon Balmer
Sent: Friday, October 06, 2006 12:25 PM
Subject: Library Accounts

Hello, My name is Vernon Balmer Jr. I recently found out from a librarian, at the Kapolei branch, that a reserve was placed on my account. I did not place this reserve. I have inquired at the state library how and when this reserve was placed. Someone whold have had to access my account with my library card number and my pin, or they would have had to impersonate me.

At the state library I am told by Ms. Florence Yee, things like, "We are too busy", etc. So, I thought I would contact you Ms Schindler, hoping that you as the head of the HSPLS would know more about the capabilities and procedures of the system.

I find it hard to believe that with today's technology, this information cannot be ascertained, and there are no remedies short of me getting a new card, which has been suggested to me even before this confusion. I know you are very busy, so I will be patient while you contact the proper employees to get the right information for me.

Hawaii State Public Library System
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State Librarian
Home > Services > Reserving and Renewing Library Materials
If the item you need is on loan to someone else or is not immediately available at your library, you may ask staff to place a reserve for you. You may also place the reserve yourself at a public terminal or from your personal computer and modem. In addition, the public access catalog (PAC) is available via online at Enter your library card's number and PIN to proceed.
The searching capabilities of this catalog include: basic, advanced, and power search. You may request items individually or combine them with the "My list" function prior to placing the request.
PIN NUMBER REQUIRED TO RESERVE ITEMS: Beginning Monday, May 17, 1999, library patrons are required to enter a personal identification number (PIN) before placing a request to reserve library materials. Initially, the PIN is the last four digits of the telephone number which you provided when you registered for your library card. You will be able to change the PIN by accessing the "My Account" function. Please see a staff member if you have any questions about your PIN.
You will receive a notice in the mail when the item is available at your library for pickup. The item will be held for you for 16 days. Note: the requestor's library card must be presented in order to borrow the reserved item. Just the holds notice is insufficient to borrow the item. Effective January 22, 1996, you will be charged $1.00 per item if you do not pick up the reserved material. NOTE: Please do NOT place a reserve and then immediately go to the library to pick up the book or other material. If you need the item as soon as possible, please telephone the library which shows an "on shelf" copy BEFORE making a trip. The staff will check the shelves and make sure that a copy is available for you. Please copy down the author, title, and call number before you call the library.
Labels: Libraries Hawaii Honolulu HSPLS Hawaii State Public Library System

Friday, November 2, 2007


She's 55 - 60 / Caucasian / 5'5" / 145 / favors full skirts and pantsuits / hair: dark blonde w/ a little noticable grey usually pulled back in a bun / pretty face / likes pink: sweatter, deck shoes w/ white shoestrings, and the face of her watch worn on the left wrist; w/ a wedding band / SEEN ENTERING 235 S. Beretania Street

NOV. 2, 2007 She's ON - INFLI79B 14:20

FEB. 18, 2010 She's back - INFLI80B


FEB. 25, 2010 80B Left 2:00

MAR. 3, 2010 78B 1:50

MAR. 8, 2010 79B left 2:15

MAR. 23, 2010 80B 2:00 - 2:14

APR. 13, 2010 77B LEFT 2:10

JULY 14, 2010 76B - YAHOO

AUG. 18, 2010
75B -

AUG 19, 2010

Let's not forget Shannon Fujii, DOE, but not granted access.


MAY 18, 2010


MAY 18, 2010
12:20 -

MAY 18, 2010
2:25 - 71B

MAY 22, 2010
12:45 -

MAY 24, 2010
2:07 -

May 26, 2010
12:45 -

MAY 26, 2010
1:30 -

MAY 28, 2010
12:30 -

JUNE 9, 2010
12:50 - SAT AT

JULY 8, 2010

JUNE 29, 2010
11:40 - 72B


73B - 1:10

80B - 1:50

12:40 -
AUG 4, 2010
12:15 - 

AUG 5,
4:05 -

LEFT 1:25
BACK ON 73B              

                                                                             AUG. 21,
                                                                    ICKETTE ON 80B
                                                                   HAS RETURNED TO
                                                                   TALKING UNDER HER
                                                                   BREATH - SOMETHING
                                                                   ABOUT ALWAYS
                                                                   WAITING TOO LONG

AUG. 25, 2010

AUG. 28, 2010

AUG 30, 2010


 SEPT. 1, 2010

SEPT. 2, 2010
SEPT. 21, 2010
on HP

BST 105

NOV. 20, 2010
11:00 -


Thursday, September 20, 2007

SPOOKY ! ! ! !

WATCHING YOU AND MONITORING YOUR COMPUTER. They and cronys disguised as patrons.

Friday, September 7, 2007

In The Pursuit Of Learning

My YAHOO account is unavailable. I signed in early in the day - 24th of Aug - when I returned to the library on the same day and attempted to sign in, I could not. This is on the same day.

August 14, 2007 Addition
If,as stated below, "patron is already working in another computer" ( correct )who is the patron in another computer while I go from section to section trying to have my time reset properly, sometimes for an hour.,

Too often when I use the computer, after my session has expired or I have logged off, I am denied access, after having my "time reset" by a librarian. I go from section to section trying to have it done correctly.

This must be comical to some because when I ask for an explanation, they are smiling.

I don't think it is funny for a patron to have to go from section to section to have done what each librarian should no how to do.

Finally, I will have success at one section or another. This tells me that the different ones who reset my time are not being consistent with their procedures, or all the librarians do not know how.

I have had boxes pop up on the screen after having my card reset, that read "your internet time has expired" and something to the effect of, patron is logged in on another computer, or something about all my sessions being used . A patron should not have to face this, weekly.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

State Wide Monkey Business

Posted on: Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Wikipedia slurs traced to Hawaii state PCs


Monday, June 18, 2007

HSPLS - Complaints

This is the address on the State Libraries Problem Resolution form

690 Pohukaina St.
Honolulu, HI 96813

Guess who is there?

Friends of the Library of Hawaii
690 Pohukaina Street
Honolulu, HI96813-5116

Saturday, June 16, 2007



JUNE 28, 2008
Fujii, Shannon on INF 76B
Aug. 23, 2008
Fujii on INF 77B
Dec. 6, 2008
Shannon on INF74B
Dec. 12, 2008
Shannon on IFN73B

Claudine Fujii(2nd from right)
2006 Librarian Of The Year

Sharon M. Fujii - Regional Administrator, Region IX

Shannon Fujii.



Fujii, Karyl, R
Coldwell Banker Pacific Prop.
Ph: 808-484-3745

Fujii, Wilson, RA
Palace Realty, Inc.
Ph: 808-591-2155

Hawaii police chief has third back surgery - The Honolulu ...Police Capt. Frank T. Fujii said the "chief is recuperating" but declined ... Tenari Maafala, president of the State of Hawaii Organization of Police ... - 69k - Cached - Similar pages

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Keeping It Real

You can’t champion equality for your own people when you tolerate discrimination against any people because of who they are. Freedom is indivisible. You cannot grant it to some and deny it to others. It is either for everybody or it is for nobody. -- Christine Chavez, UFW

Monday, April 2, 2007

The Culprits - See If They've Been Rewarded

Gloria Luat - Say's I am harassing her by asking for her name. This is shortly after I am terminated.

Kathy Tam - tells me there is no designation for a book to be stolen. I will have to pay the cost.

Hewitt Reynolds - tells me there is no designation for a book to be stolen. I will have to pay the cost. He is the person who orders books.

Collette Young - The most knowlegable one and a master of rhetoric.

Linda Mahoe - deletes the reserve placed on my account (not by me).

More to come.

Smiling Bob Shigematsu Curiously, smiling smugly when I leave ( text in chinese)

Oshiro Curiously smiling when I leave (emails don't send completely)

Cheryl Ogasawara - The master of confused information.

Janice Baker: Using the Luat shuffel, can deftly vacate the librarians desk when I am coming. Tactic used to stall and, or just irritate.

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Hawaii State Public Library Customer Service

1. Enter information about you.

Your First Name: Vernon Your Last Name: Balmer Jr.

Your Address: 401 Atkinson DR 211

City: Honolulu

State: HI Zip Code: 96814

Best Time to Call You: EVENING Primary Phone No: 808-941-3344

Alternative Phone No:

Your Email Address:

2. Who else can we call if we cannot reach you?

Contact's Name: NA

Daytime Phone No: 808-941-3344

Relationship to you: NA

3. Who was discriminated against?

Vernon Balmer Jr.

4. What institution discriminated?

Institution Name: Hawaii State Public Library

Address: 478 S. King ST

City: Honolulu

State: HI

Zip Code: 96813

School or department involved: Branch

5. Have you tried to resolve the complaint through the institution's
grievance process, due process hearing, or with another agency?


Agency Name: HSPLS

Date Filed: 10/06/2006 (mm/dd/yyyy)

Status: NA

6. Describe the discrimination

OCR enforces regulations that prohibit discrimination on the basis of
race, color, national origin; sex; disability; and/or age.

All that apply:

race or color

national origin

you filed a complaint or asserted your rights

Why you believe the discrimination was because of race, sex,
disability, or whatever basis you indicated above or why you
believe the action was retaliatory.

I have had ongoing problems at this branch of the Hawaii State Public
Library System. I see no others treated in this arbitrary and deceitful
way. I believe an investigation should uncover this, unless the library
can show a pattern of treating others this way.

State Librarian
Home > Services > Reserving and Renewing Library Materials
If the item you need is on loan to someone else or is not immediately
available at your library, you may ask staff to place a reserve for you.
You may also place the reserve yourself at a public terminal or from your
personal computer and modem. In addition, the public access catalog (PAC)
is available via online at

Enter your
library card's number and PIN to proceed.The searching capabilities of this
catalog include: basic, advanced, and power search. You may request items individually or combine them with the "My list" function prior to placing
the request.

PIN NUMBER REQUIRED TO RESERVE ITEMS: Beginning Monday, May 17, 1999,
library patrons are required to enter a personal identification number
(PIN) before placing a request to reserve library materials. Initially, the
PIN is the last four digits of the telephone number which you provided when
you registered for your library card. You will be able to change the PIN by
accessing the "My Account" function. Please see a staff member if you
have any questions about your PIN.

You will receive a notice in the mail when the item is available at
your library for pickup. The item will be held for you for 16 days. Note:
the requestor's library card must be presented in order to borrow the
reserved item. Just the holds notice is insufficient to borrow the item.
Effective January 22, 1996, you will be charged $1.00 per item if you do not
pick up the reserved material. NOTE: Please do NOT place a reserve and then
immediately go to the library to pick up the book or other material.

If you need the item as soon as possible, please telephone the library which
shows an "on shelf" copy BEFORE making a trip. The staff will check the
shelves and make sure that a copy is available for you. Please copy down the
author, title, and call number before you call the library.

Questions & Comments:

From: "Jo Ann Schindler"
To: "Vernon Balmer"
Subject: Re: Library Accounts
Date: Mon, 9 Oct 2006 12:35:25 -1000
HTML Attachment [ Scan and Save to Computer | Save to Yahoo! Briefcase
Mr. Balmer,

I was referring to the staff module which allows our staff to circulate
library materials, check them back in, process payments, and place a
reserve at a customer's request.

Some customers prefer to rely on staff to place =reserves for them rather
than to do it themselves in PAC. Also, there are some types of reserves,
e.g., when a customer wants a particular volume of a set, which can only be
done by staff. As stated, the customer's PIN in not needed to place the
reserve for the customer.

-Jo Ann Schindler
----- Original Message -----
From: Vernon Balmer
To: Jo Ann Schindler
Sent: Monday, October 09, 2006 10:49 AM
Subject: Re: Library Accounts

Could you please explain furthrer, "a staff account"? Is this an account
for a library staff person, or a way the staff can access a patrons account?

Since the request ended up on my account, which I did not leave open, or use
on the 25th of September, I would like to know if it is possible for this
request to have ended up on my account through a librarian placing the request
there without needing a pin.

Seems to me librarians should not be able to place data on patrons accounts,
as I stated in my first response.

Jo Ann Schindler wrote: Dear Mr. Balmer:

As stated, a staff member could place a request for a customer using only
the library card number -- without the PIN. Although our staff try to be
careful, it is possible that numbers could be transposed once in a great while.

It seems that this is the more likely possibility than someone having
information to both your library card number and PIN since you have not
shared this information with anyone.

I would like to apologize for any error caused by our staff. We will
emphasize in training the need to check to make sure the right account is
being accessed when placing a request for a customer. Again, please advise
us if this situation reoccurs. Thank you very much for your understanding.


Jo Ann Schindler
State Librarian

----- Original Message -----
From: Vernon Balmer
To: Jo Ann Schindler
Sent: Sunday, October 08, 2006 11:32 AM
Subject: Re: Library Accounts

I shared my information with no one, absolutely no one. I know how to sign
out of an account, as I have many online accounts which require this same

I know how to change my pin and will do this. I just thought there was a
more secure system in place. It was suggested to me that a possibletrasnposing
of digits could have taken place, and I find it hard to believe that a librarian could transposed my library card number and my pin number that I think the
should require to place a request or any data on a patrons account.
Thank you.

Jo Ann Schindler wrote:
Dear Mr. Balmer:

The Hawaii State Public Library System does not have the technical ability
to track which requests are placed on our library PAC terminals nor is there
a way to determine who placed the requests. The assumption is that the card
holder placed the request using his or her library card number and PIN.

It would be extremely difficult to arrive at the exact combination of library
card number and PIN by accident. Do you recall sharing this information
with anyone?

Depending on how you normally place reserves, there are a couple of ways that
a request may have been erroneously placed on your account:

If you normally place requests using a Public Access Catalog (PAC) computer
in a library, you may not have logged out completely, and another customer
may have used the computer after you and inadvertently placed a request while
still logged into your account. Library staff can show you how to completely
exit your account by pressing the Logout button.

Some customers ask for staff assistance in placing reserves. A PIN is not
required to do this in the staff account. Staff may have transposed digits
and the request may have ended up on the wrong person’ s account.Rather than getting a new library card, I recommend that you change your PIN. You can
do this in PAC in the following way:

1. Access “My Account”
2. Select “Profile”
3. Change your PIN

Staff can help you with this process if these instructions are not clear.

Hopefully what you experienced is a one time only error caused by either
situation #1 or #2 above. Please let us know if you continue to experience
erroneous requests on your account.

Thank you very much for using our public libraries and for bringing this
concern to our attention.

-Jo Ann Schindler
State Librarian
----- Original Message -----
From: Vernon Balmer
Sent: Friday, October 06, 2006 12:25 PM
Subject: Library Accounts

Hello, My name is Vernon Balmer Jr. I recently found out from a librarian,
at the Kapolei branch, that a reserve was placed on my account. I did not
place this reserve. I have inquired at the state library if somehow how and
when this reserve was placed. Someone whold have had to access my account
with my library card number and my pin, or they would have had to impersonate

At the state library I am told by Ms. Florence Yee, things like, "We
are too busy", etc. So, I thought I would contact you Ms Schindler, hoping
that you as the head of the HSPLS would know more about the capabilities and
procedures of the system.

I find it hard to believe that with today's technology, this information
cannot be ascertained, and there are no remedies short of me getting a new
card, which has been suggested to me even before this confusion. I know you
are very busy so I will be patient while you contact the proper employees to
get the right information for me

Sept. 7, 2006, a security guard, Solomona Savea, badge number - 90187,
at the Hawaii State Library, calls me a "nigger" twice" in the library
foyer, in a loud voice.

April 10, 2006, I have had two librarians Kathy Tam, Hewitt Reynolds and a circulation clerk tell me there is no report possible for stolen books.

I am told the book can only be designated as lost and I must pay for it.
On April 11 a day before my book is due, I am told to leave the computer
because I have fines. I show the clerk the police report verification card,
but she will not except it as proof. I had to purchase a report and take it
to the State Librarian's Office to settle the matter and have the fines removed
from my account. This all could have been done at the library.

I mostly use the public library to use the Internet, i.e.write letters and
do research. Needless to say, this is not the most secure environment to do
this type of activity. And I have had problems at this library with the computers and the staff. At the library, I have seen the text change when I am typing,
without commands initiated by me. The printer is connected to the computer at
the librarians' desk. On one occasion, I was told by a security guard that a librarian had complained about me harassing her because I asked for her name
to report her behavior.

After contacting the librarian's office, there is no record or remembrance
of this aspect of the report. This tactic of "bait and switch" has been used
on more than one occasion, by different entities. After not being online for
3 days I saw where someone had requested an Army Knowledge Online account in
my name, or I should say my screen name. I saw an attorney - John L. Knorek
- from the firm representing my former employer enter the philosophy department
and ask for a librarian, Kathy, by name.

7. Your complaint must be filed within 180 days of the discriminatory

When did the last act of discrimination occur?

Enter the date: 10/06/2006 (mm/dd/yyyy)

Are you requesting a waiver of the 180-day filing time limit for
discrimination that occurred more than 180 days before the filing of
this complaint?


8. What would you like the institution to do as a result of your
complaint -
what remedy are you seeking?

I would like to no what the institution can do.

Do you have written information that you think will help us understand
your complaint?


Thursday, February 22, 2007

BIG Bad BoB Or, Should I Say, BoBpolean At The Terminal

Today In Young Adult Section with BoB Shigematsu on post. I'm blogging and the text changes from English to Chinese. I choose English with the language control. But, guess what? My text still comes out in Chinese. Seems whenever some effect such as this occurs, Bob is smiling when I retrieve my card.

A Mind Is A Terrible Thing To Waste

Sunday, October 08, 2006
I inform the librarian in Business Science and Technology that the volume isn't coming through on the computer when I try to listen to radio station 94.7 It's called "The Wave". They ask what site I am at so they can fix it. I tell them they Don't have to know what site I am at. And I don't tell them. When they tell me it is fixed, the new way to access volume, is to raise the dial on the Wave balance on the volume controls. Get it? Really sneaky. But as the saying goes, "A mind is a terrible thing to waste".
posted by Vernon at 2:39 PM

It's In The Wording


Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Today I find I can't access my AOL Account at the Hawaii State Public Library.This is what I get without the graphics.

Online Appeal UnsuccessfulHelp

We are unable to verify your identity or you are ineligible for Online Appeals.

For further assistance, click Live Help to speak with a Member Services representative.

© 2006 AOL LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Labels: Hawaii State Public lIbrary System AOL Customer Service

Double Talk At The State Library

Thursday, January 25, 2007
Hawaii State Public Library System - Department Of Education
Cronies Of The Political Machine And A Force Unto Themselves.

From: "Jo Ann Schindler"
To: "Vernon Balmer"
Subject: Re: Library Accounts
Date: Mon, 9 Oct 2006 12:35:25 -1000
HTML Attachment [ Scan and Save to Computer | Save to Yahoo! Briefcase ]
Mr. Balmer,

I was referring to the staff module which allows our staff to circulate library materials, check them back in, process payments, and place a reserve at a customer's request. Some customers prefer to rely on staff to place reserves for them rather than to do it themselves in PAC. Also, there are some types of reserves, e.g., when a customer wants a particular volume of a set, which can only be done by staff. As stated, the customer's PIN in not needed to place the reserve for the customer.

-Jo Ann Schindler
----- Original Message -----
From: Vernon Balmer
To: Jo Ann Schindler
Sent: Monday, October 09, 2006 10:49 AM
Subject: Re: Library Accounts

Could you please explain furthrer, "a staff account"? Is this an account for a library staff person, or a way the staff can access a patrons account? Since the request ended up on my account, which I did not leave open, or use on the 25th of September, I would like to know if it is possible for this request to have ended up on my account through a librarian placing the request there without needing a pin. Seems to me librarians should not be able to place data on patrons accounts, as I stated in my first response.
Jo Ann Schindler wrote: Dear Mr. Balmer:

As stated, a staff member could place a request for a customer using only the library card number -- without the PIN. Although our staff try to be careful, it is possible that numbers could be transposed once in a great while. It seems that this is the more likely possibility than someone having information to both your library card number and PIN since you have not shared this information with anyone.

I would like to apologize for any error caused by our staff. We will emphasize in training the need to check to make sure the right account is being accessed when placing a request for a customer. Again, please advise us if this situation reoccurs. Thank you very much for your understanding.


Jo Ann Schindler
State Librarian

----- Original Message -----
From: Vernon Balmer
To: Jo Ann Schindler
Sent: Sunday, October 08, 2006 11:32 AM
Subject: Re: Library Accounts

I shared my information with no one, absolutely no one. I know how to sign out of an account, as I have many online accounts which require this same action. I know how to change my pin and will do this. I just thought there was a more secure system in place. It was suggested to me that a possible trasnposing of digits could have taken place, and I find it hard to believe that a librarian could transposed my library card number and my pin number that I think they should require to place a request or any data on a patrons account. Thank you.

Jo Ann Schindler wrote:
Dear Mr. Balmer:

The Hawaii State Public Library System does not have the technical ability to track which requests are placed on our library PAC terminals nor is there a way to determine who placed the requests. The assumption is that the card holder placed the request using his or her library card number and PIN. It would be extremely difficult to arrive at the exact combination of library card number and PIN by accident. Do you recall sharing this information with anyone?

Depending on how you normally place reserves, there are a couple of ways that a request may have been erroneously placed on your account:

If you normally place requests using a Public Access Catalog (PAC) computer in a library, you may not have logged out completely, and another customer may have used the computer after you and inadvertently placed a request while still logged into your account. Library staff can show you how to completely exit your account by pressing the Logout button.

Some customers ask for staff assistance in placing reserves. A PIN is not required to do this in the staff account. Staff may have transposed digits and the request may have ended up on the wrong person’ s account.
Rather than getting a new library card, I recommend that you change your PIN. You can do this in PAC in the following way:

1. Access “My Account”
2. Select “Profile”
3. Change your PIN

Staff can help you with this process if these instructions are not clear.

Hopefully what you experienced is a one time only error caused by either situation #1 or #2 above. Please let us know if you continue to experience erroneous requests on your account.

Thank you very much for using our public libraries and for bringing this concern to our attention.

-Jo Ann Schindler
State Librarian
----- Original Message -----
From: Vernon Balmer
Sent: Friday, October 06, 2006 12:25 PM
Subject: Library Accounts

Hello, My name is Vernon Balmer Jr. I recently found out from a librarian, at the Kapolei branch, that a reserve was placed on my account. I did not place this reserve. I have inquired at the state library if somehow how and when this reserve was placed. Someone whold have had to access my account with my library card number and my pin, or they would have had to impersonate me.

At the state library I am told by Ms. Florence Yee, things like, "We are too busy", etc. So, I thought I would contact you Ms Schindler, hoping that you as the head of the HSPLS would know more about the capabilities and procedures of the system.

I find it hard to believe that with today's technology, this information cannot be ascertained, and there are no remedies short of me getting a new card, which has been suggested to me even before this confusion. I know you are very busy so I will be patient while you contact the proper employees to get the right information for me

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Home > Services > Reserving and Renewing Library Materials
If the item you need is on loan to someone else or is not immediately available at your library, you may ask staff to place a reserve for you. You may also place the reserve yourself at a public terminal or from your personal computer and modem. In addition, the public access catalog (PAC) is available via online at Enter your library card's number and PIN to proceed.
The searching capabilities of this catalog include: basic, advanced, and power search. You may request items individually or combine them with the "My list" function prior to placing the request.
PIN NUMBER REQUIRED TO RESERVE ITEMS: Beginning Monday, May 17, 1999, library patrons are required to enter a personal identification number (PIN) before placing a request to reserve library materials. Initially, the PIN is the last four digits of the telephone number which you provided when you registered for your library card. You will be able to change the PIN by accessing the "My Account" function. Please see a staff member if you have any questions about your PIN.
You will receive a notice in the mail when the item is available at your library for pickup. The item will be held for you for 16 days. Note: the requestor's library card must be presented in order to borrow the reserved item. Just the holds notice is insufficient to borrow the item. Effective January 22, 1996, you will be charged $1.00 per item if you do not pick up the reserved material. NOTE: Please do NOT place a reserve and then immediately go to the library to pick up the book or other material. If you need the item as soon as possible, please telephone the library which shows an "on shelf" copy BEFORE making a trip. The staff will check the shelves and make sure that a copy is available for you. Please copy down the author, title, and call number before you call the library.
Labels: Libraries Hawaii Honolulu HSPLS Hawaii State Public Library System

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